Ο Επαγγελματίας Υγείας μπορεί να πραγματοποιήσει στοχευμένη και έγκαιρη διάγνωση για την πρόληψη σοβαρών The Health Professional can determine a targeted and early diagnosis for the prevention of serious primary or secondary diseases, such as the secondary prevention of nephrotic syndrome by determining the specialized microalbumin biomarker and of patients with cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
He implements prevention programs at his office or clinic, such as colon cancer prevention, stomach cancer prevention, thyroid cancer prevention etc.
He implements prevention programs at his office or clinic, such as colon cancer prevention, stomach cancer prevention, thyroid cancer prevention etc.
DyonPSA® Prostate Specific Antigen
Prevention of Prostate Cancer in Specific Patient Profiles but also in Specific Age Groups Based on International Guidelines.
DyoniFOB® Immunological Fecal Occult Blood
Microscopic examination of the presence of human hemoglobin in a faecal sample
- Specialty and Sensitivity: 99%
- Positive and negative predictive value greater than 97%
- The high level of reliability is due to the use of monoclonal antibodies
- There is no need for a special diet such as Mayer stools
DyonBTA® Bladder Tissue Antigen
Antigen Detection for Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Bladder Cancer Based on International Guidelines.
DyonAFP® α-fetoprotein
Hepatocarcinoma Prevention in Hepatitis B or C Patients Detection of fetoprotein A in a drop of whole capillary blood Reliability and repeatability greater than 99%.
Xeliac® Test Pro Anti- tTG IgA – IgG
Early diagnosis of celiac disease is an important contribution to the prevention and treatment of the disease and its effects.
DyonHpAb® Double H. pylori Ab IgG, IgM
Determination of symptomatic or asymptomatic patients in the presence or not of Helicobacter pylori, contribution to its timely treatment in specific population groups based on international guidelines.