Innovative Point of Care Products and Services

Simplicity, Accuracy, Reliability

Biomarkers or diagnostic parameters that ensure immediate and effective treatment or prevention

Innovative Medical Services! Diagnosis - Treatment Evaluation - Prevention

DyonMed innovates and manufactures the first in Greece “Point of Care” Testing products, offering targeted diagnostics solutions – Private offices – Ambulance – Clinic – Outpatient – Pharmacy – Home

Therapeutic Categories

Innovating in Gastroenterology

With the application of specialized products the healthcare professional can manage diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Management of Helicobacter Pylori Infection at the level of diagnosis and evaluation of the eradication therapy can maximize the therapeutic effect. Diagnostic semi-quantitative evaluation of the biomarker calprotectin is a key innovation of DyonMed for the management of IBD (Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

Infections Management

A series of specialized diagnostic products enable the semi-quantitative control of the CRP biomarker to determine the importance and severity of an infection within 5 minutes. Extremely high-reliability diagnostic products of type A antigen for seasonal influenza, which includes all types, enable the therapist to cure targeted and participate actively in reducing the transmission of seasonal influenza. DyonMed SA, the first Greek company POINT OF CARE TESTING, is being innovative once again and is launching the DyonCOVID19® in market.

Emergency Cardiology

Our specialized Point of Care products are explicitly designed so that they can be used individually for each patient but also as an important diagnostic tool in hospital visits, or even in an ambulance and in a hospital emergency. One drop of capillary blood and 5 minutes are enough to identify biomarkers such as troponin, myoglobin, CK-MB and to effectively and immediately manage the patient’s health care wherever he or she is.

Overall management of Covid19


Six valuable tools in your hands!






By using a pharyngeal smear you can differentiate streptococcal infections from other biological markers with a sensitivity and specificity of 99%.


The DyonCalpro® (Calprotectin) is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection Calprotectin in stool samples. The use of Calprotectin extends to cases of children with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease and has proven its reliability and of course the fact that it is a non-invasive monitoring method of pediatric patients.


The DyoniFOB® (immunological Fecal Occult Blood) is a rapid, non-invasive, highly accurate and easy to perform qualitative test that allows a health professional to detect occult blood in human stool samples.

Colon Cancer Prevention Information Day in Thessaloniki


Colon Cancer Prevention Information Day in Thessaloniki

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Association of Friends of Cancer Patients of Theageneio Hospital

We sincerely thank the Association of Friends of Cancer Patients of Theageneio Hospital for the opportunity to be present at the colorectal cancer prevention and information meetings that took place on Saturday, October 8 at the Thessaloniki City Hall.

We sincerely thank the Gastroenterology Clinic of Theageneio Hospital and the Director, Cou Gilve Dimitris, for the opportunity to participate and make the Colon Test available free of charge to the participants, with the simultaneous recording of statistical data for scientific analysis and use with the aim of implementing and establishing more prevention programs.

DYONMED faithful to its vision, turns prevention from words into action and stands by the side of every colon cancer prevention association.
Together we can turn prevention from words into action!




DyonCOVID19® is used to detect the IgM and IgG antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in human serum, plasma or whole blood sample qualitatively. It is to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection disease (COVID-19), which is caused by SARS-CoV-2 .



Diagnosis and overall classification of influenza in type A, B including all hypotypes.


Determining all three key heart markers separately, combining the answers can help significantly in the time of ischemic injury (reliability> 99%)