Colon test ®

3 steps

closer to prevention, closer to life!

Colon test ®

3 steps

closer to prevention, closer to life!


Self-test for the presence of hemoglobin (microbleeding)


Colon test® is an easy self-test that constitute a basic step in diagnosis, detection of hemoglobin in feces for intestinal diseases and for the prevention of colon cancer.
Internationally, it is the first implementation step for the screening of asymptomatic citizens over the age of 45 for the prevention of colon cancer on an annual basis. It can be used easily at home as a Home Test, “three steps closer to prevention with love and gratitude for life”!

Colon test

• No special diet is needed for the application
• A minimal sample is sufficient
• Reliably determines the presence of human hemoglobin
• Internationally, it is the first reliable recommended screening step of groups of asymptomatic citizens for the prevention of colon cancer

Screening tests and Colon test® application, alone or in combination help your doctor find polyps or cancer before you even have symptoms. This early detection may prevent polyps from becoming cancer and could jumpstart treatment earlier, when it is most effective.

Though it is usually recommended to start getting screened at age 45, you may need to be screened earlier depending on your family’s health history and risk factors.

Read the instructions before proceeding with the test


SieloCovidAg® antigen rapid test results

POSITIVE: Two separate lines appear. One line should be in the control area (C) and the other line in the test area (T) indicating that the result is positive. Even if the line is faint, barely discernible, the result is evaluated as positive.

NEGATIVE: A line appears in the control area (C). No line appears in test area (T).

INVALID: No lines are displayed or the control line (C) is not displayed, indicating user error or reagent failure. Verify the test procedure and repeat the test with a new device.

In every result you should inform and cooperate with your Doctor, thus all together following the international medical protocols,
we turn prevention from words into action!

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What should I know about the Colon test®?

What happens if Colon Test is positive?

What do my test results mean? If your FOBT results are positive, this means blood has been detected in your sample. About one in 14 people will have a positive FOBT result. Bleeding may be caused by a number of conditions, including polyps, haemorrhoids or inflammation, and may not necessarily be cancer related.

n Understanding your FOBT results | Cancer Council

How accurate is Colon Test as FOB test?

How accurate are FOBTs? Although no screening test is 100% accurate, the FOBT is currently the most widely available and well trialled screening test for bowel cancer. If you do an FOBT every two years, you can reduce your risk of dying from bowel cancer by up to a third.

n Faecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBTs) – Cancer Council Victoria

How do you read a Colon test?

FOBTs may be reported as either negative, positive or false positive. A negative FOBT result means there is no blood in the stool, or normal. A positive FOBT result means blood present in the stool.

n FOBT: Faecal Occult Blood Test & Results Explained

What can cause a positive Colon Test (occult blood test)?

Your test could show a positive result when you have no cancer (false-positive result) if you have bleeding from other sources, such as a stomach ulcer, hemorrhoid, or even blood swallowed from your mouth or your nose. Having a fecal occult blood test may lead to additional testing.

n Fecal occult blood test – Mayo Clinic

How soon should I have a colonoscopy after a positive Colon test?

Among patients with a positive FIT, compared to time to follow-up at 8–30 days, follow-up colonoscopy at >6 months was increasingly associated with a higher risk of any CRC and advanced-stage disease.

n Association Between Time to Colonoscopy After a Positive Fecal Test and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Stage at Diagnosis

What can I eat before stool test?

Typically, there are no dietary restrictions on tests for gastrointestinal infections, such as a stool culture or a test for parasites.

n Know Which Foods to Avoid Before Giving a Stool Sample | Livestrong

What does Colon Test as FOB test mean?

Bowel cancers and polyps can sometimes bleed, which is why screening looks for blood in your bowel. Occult blood means blood that is not visible to the eye and the faecal occult blood (FOB) test is a way of detecting tiny amounts of ‘hidden’ blood in your bowel motions.

n The faecal occult blood (FOB) test – NHS

What happens if Colon Test is positive?

What do my test results mean? If your FOBT results are positive, this means blood has been detected in your sample. About one in 14 people will have a positive FOBT result. Bleeding may be caused by a number of conditions, including polyps, haemorrhoids or inflammation, and may not necessarily be cancer related.

n Understanding your FOBT results | Cancer Council

How accurate is Colon Test as FOB test?

How accurate are FOBTs? Although no screening test is 100% accurate, the FOBT is currently the most widely available and well trialled screening test for bowel cancer. If you do an FOBT every two years, you can reduce your risk of dying from bowel cancer by up to a third.

n Faecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBTs) – Cancer Council Victoria

How do you read a Colon test?

FOBTs may be reported as either negative, positive or false positive. A negative FOBT result means there is no blood in the stool, or normal. A positive FOBT result means blood present in the stool.

n FOBT: Faecal Occult Blood Test & Results Explained

What can cause a positive Colon Test (occult blood test)?

Your test could show a positive result when you have no cancer (false-positive result) if you have bleeding from other sources, such as a stomach ulcer, hemorrhoid, or even blood swallowed from your mouth or your nose. Having a fecal occult blood test may lead to additional testing.

n Fecal occult blood test – Mayo Clinic

How soon should I have a colonoscopy after a positive Colon test?

Among patients with a positive FIT, compared to time to follow-up at 8–30 days, follow-up colonoscopy at >6 months was increasingly associated with a higher risk of any CRC and advanced-stage disease.

n Association Between Time to Colonoscopy After a Positive Fecal Test and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Stage at Diagnosis

What can I eat before stool test?
Typically, there are no dietary restrictions on tests for gastrointestinal infections, such as a stool culture or a test for parasites.

n Know Which Foods to Avoid Before Giving a Stool Sample | Livestrong

A positive result of Colon Test and Hemorhoids

In addition, hemorrhoids can rarely lead to a positive fecal occult blood test [4]. While overt bleeding from hemorrhoids can result in anemia, anemia in the setting of occult GI bleeding should not be attributed to hemorrhoids.

n Evaluation of occult gastrointestinal bleeding – UpToDate

What is the most common cause of occult blood in stool?

Blood may show up in your poop because of one or more of the following conditions: Growths or polyps of the colon. Hemorrhoids (swollen blood vessels near the anus and lower rectum that can rupture, causing bleeding) Anal fissures (splits or cracks in the lining of the anal opening).

n Fecal Occult Blood Test: What You Need to Know – WebMD

What percentage of fecal occult blood tests are positive?

About 2 in 100 people (around 2%) have an abnormal result. If you have this result, it means blood was found in your test. Blood in your test result does not mean you have bowel cancer.

n FOB and FIT tests – Macmillan Cancer Support

Watch the video instructions for use (available in Greek language only)

You can watch the application instructions on video and follow them at the same time.


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